Testing Batteries Safely

Battery testing is a crucial, but potentially dangerous, step to ensuring that equipment pieces and solutions function properly. While battery testing varies depending on the type of battery system being used, multiple consequences arise if proper procedures and precautions aren’t utilized.

Numerous hazards exist surrounding batteries, though the most common concern is preventing fires and/or explosions. Batteries can be damaged in their manufacturing process, by how they’re stored, or by how they’re charged. For example, lithium batteries react negatively to extreme hot or cold temperatures and can be irreparably damaged in these conditions. Similarly, overheating or extreme freezing can cause a buildup that results in smoking or explosions.

The key to avoiding these types of concerns is to test batteries thoroughly and safely:

  • Manufacturers typically provide consumers and clients with specific instructions for charging and testing safely. Because everyone builds battery systems differently, it’s important to heed each manufacturer’s specific warnings and follow their instructions.
  • Regulations exist regarding battery testing and safety, and adhering to these regulations is the best move for ensuring functionality and safety during the testing process. These regulations determine how individual parts and configurations should be working together.
  • While it might seem self-explanatory, it’s important to ensure that the connection is correct during battery testing – battery set up positive to positive and negative to negative. This ensures that the tester is getting a reliable read on whether the battery is functioning properly.
  • One of the key elements of battery testing is to ensure that safety modules are installed correctly. It’s not enough to make sure the battery itself works, you must also guarantee that the battery works safely with a fully functional and precise safety module.
  • Run individual testing to get a more comprehensive overview of battery functionality. This means testing not only the individual battery, but also the battery banks, the battery connections, and the overall product that the battery is powering, such as a vehicle. This ensures that all components are functioning together and helps identify specific areas that are malfunctioning or present a safety concern.

TPI has nearly 40 years of electrical testing expertise. We understand the critical factor that safety protocols play in the protection of both its workers and its clients.